Service Included.

Having analysed our practices, spoken to our staff and management, and gauged the actions of our friends in the restaurant world, we believe now is the time for change. Our prices have been amended, so each item now has our typical 12.5% gratuity included in its final pricing.

The concept of a "service charge" is beginning to become outdated. It does not provide workers in hospitality:

A consistent payslip, month-in, month-out.

A steady level of income.

Security during lockdowns.

A fair opportunity when trying to secure housing and loans as only base pay is considered in most cases.

Considering all these factors, in the highly volatile culture we exist in today with unprecedented pandemics and little governmental support for the hospitality sector, we believe this step is the fairest evolution for an industry that provides so much to the fabric of London, and indeed, the world. Hospitality workers deserve better than relying on the optional generosity of the consumer. Their endeavours and contributions should be compensated, justly.

We are not the first restaurant in this fine city to make this bold step. And hopefully, we won't be the last. And as a final point to you, the reader: You will not be paying anything extra.